There are many people who have followed the helpful advice by several successful podcasters such as John Lee Dumas; myself included but I’m about to go against all that advice and training offered. Don’t get me wrong, without the help of John Lee Dumas I wouldn’t have started a podcast, […]
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Just received this email into my inbox: Dear Webmail Account User This message is from the Webmail IT Service messaging center to all account owners. Due to the incessant rate of Spam we are currently performing maintenance and up-grading our Digital webmail services for your convenience. To prevent your account […]
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I recently changed my mobile phone package with Orange as I was paying £35 a month on my contract but my bills including data usage were often over £40. This is now back down to a more reasonable £10 a month. When I was discussing my contract whilst activating my […]
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1) Not know the difference between the Google Search bar and the Internet Address bar. When you get asked to type in a web address it always helps immensely if you type that address into the Google Search bar as opposed to the address bar. Here is the difference: Google […]
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Here is something to ponder, do Windows users claim that Windows Vistas effects are a waste of time because they have already been done, and done better on other systems such as Mac OSX and Linux? If Windows Vista was the ONLY OS that had those special effects, I bet […]
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Well, this was on TV last night, I wasn’t exactly eager to watch it, I’ll be honest. So, I sat down and watched about 20 minutes – 40 minutes of it before I had to stop. I know lots of people out there will like it, but to me, it […]
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MSI Wind laptops have more returned running Linux then Windows… Well, according to their U.S. Director of Sales Andy Tung he is saying that there are upto 4 times more MSI winds returned that are running Linux then the equivalent Windows XP version. His suspicions are that: “People would love […]
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Thomson TG585v7 This is quite possibly the worst router I’ve had to deal with, maybe not the worst but its certainly up there, top 5. The issue I had was I wanted to forward ports 80 and 443 through it to a web server. So, I did as you’d expect, […]
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Well, the names were submitted, the votes were counted and the winner has now been announced. The possible contenders were: * Cambridge * Farnsworth * Mississippi * Nile * Nitrate * Saltpetre * Terror * Water * Whiskey Run Picked a favourite? Good You can now refer to Fedora 10 […]
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