Virgin Media and Google fall out?
I just received an email from Virgin stating that there will be changes to their email service.
Hello, Your email service is about to get a mini-makeover. This email will tell you what’s happening, how it affects you and what to do next.You might not know, but we worked hand-in-hand with Google to provide your email service. But now, they can no longer help us do this. So we’ve created our own. We’re looking forward to bringing you an even better service, jam-packed with more innovations over time.What’s happeningOver the next three months, we’ll move from our old Google-based service to an all-new, and improved Virgin Media email service.But don’t worry, all your old emails and contacts will be transferred over, safe and sound. Your email address and password will stay exactly the same too.In fact, if you use our Webmail service, the main thing that’ll change is how the email service looks. Instead of the familiar Google layout, you’ll see our simple new Virgin Media email layout.Sending, receiving and managing your emails on the new system will be a doddle. But it’s a good idea to get up to speed on all the changes and see how the new service looks by visiting to do nextWe’ll be making the switch automatically over a 3 month period, so stand by to see your new look email service soon.In the meantime, here’s what to do next:-Check you’ve got the most up to date version of your browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari etc), to access our new Webmail service hiccup-free.-Unfortunately Google Talk won’t be available on the new email service – if you love keeping in touch this way, it’s easy to set up a new Google account and register for the Google Hangouts chat service.-If you had filters or rules set up to help you manage your email, you’ll need to set these up again on the new service after the move.-If you access any other mailboxes through your Virgin Media Mail, using services like Mail Fetcher or POP aggregation, you’ll need to set this up again after the move too.All set? You’ll have the new email service at your fingertips soon.And remember, just visit to make sure you’re all set for the big day.
Happy emailing,
The Virgin Media team
So, why are Google doing this? Virgin used to run their own email service back when they were NTL, then they partnered with Google, something I talked about here.
As far as I’m aware, BT still use Yahoo for their email service.
Is this a new trend for Google, or did Virgin media just piss them off?